by April Frisby

by April Frisby

Member, SI Vista NCI



2021 Live Your Dream Awardee



2021 Live Your Dream Awardee



2021 Live Your Dream Awardee

October 19, 2021, Vista, CA–If the past year has taught us anything, focusing on positive actions and forward momentum is essential as we slowly emerge from the strange anti-social cocoon forced upon all of us. There is no better time than now to introduce a few of the women who are currently pursuing higher education to better the lives of themselves and their children during this global pandemic. The Live Your Dream Awards were created for this very purpose, to help support these courageous women to make a difference in this world by empowering them to be the best possible versions of themselves.

This year, the club has raised over $21,000 to award seven women, giving them a much-deserved opportunity to improve their lives through further education. With funding and support from our Soroptimist club, the women can utilize the awards for food, rent, bills, travel, tuition, or in any other way that will help them along the path to ultimately achieving their dream jobs and inspiring other women in the process.

For many of these women, the Live Your Dream Award is a lifeline, becoming instrumental in stopping the perpetuating toxic cycle of abuse, neglect, or addiction that could have otherwise led them down a darker path. Situations often experienced by young mothers struggling to support themselves can include being abused or abandoned by a partner, suffering with mental health or addictions, or being forced into risky situations against their will have become all too common, which is why Soroptomist is dedicated to improve the lives of women in the community and around the world.

This month there are three more Live Your Dream Awardees we would like to celebrate. Each is a positive, strong, brave, independent woman who has worked hard to make impressive progress in her personal and professional lifes. All are stars and serve as shining examples to us all.

Raniqua is a mother of two daughters, Journey and Amiah, and is working at Solutions for Change, a non-profit in Vista that most of us are familiar with that helps get individuals and families back on their feet.

Raniqua has a certification and works as a Peer Support Coach and only has one semester left at Vista Adult School until she gains her qualification in Medical Administration. Coming from a large family–she has nine brothers and sisters–she enjoys sports like cross-country running, track and field and basketball.

Rachel is a mother of three boys, Daniel, Isaac and Junior, and enjoys being active in activities at her church in her spare time. Her youngest son, Daniel, suffers from Mast Cell Disease, which often triggers sudden, unpredictable food allergies that can leave him hospitalized. After spending a lot of time in hospitals, Rachel’s dream is to help people by becoming a nurse.

Rachel goes to Palomar College and will graduate in 2025 with her degree in Nursing. In the meantime, she will also gain an MA or LA certification from MiraCosta College before she gains her nursing degree. One interesting fact is that Rachel’s father is an author, and she hopes to write a book one day to follow in his footsteps.

Monica is mom to three boys and her children are active in soccer and boxing. Monica works at a school for children with special needs during the week and, on weekends, works at Aurora, which helps people with mental health and addiction issues.
Monica is dedicated to helping people and is graduating with a degree in Psychology from Cal State San Marcos next August.

In addition to studying Psychology, Monica is also considering attending the academy to become a probation officer. ⬛

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