Collaborative Updateby Kaye Van Nevel Our May North County Anti-Human Trafficking Collaborative meeting was held 9 am on Thursday, May 5th at the United Methodist Church of Vista, 490 S. Melrose Ave., Vista in Fellowship Hall (lower level). Our guest speaker was Kathleen Thomas, North County Lifeline, Project Life. Kathleen (Kay) Thomas is the Clinical Training Coordinator for North County Lifeline’s Project LIFE providing trauma-reprocessing, intensive case management, victim advocacy, and psychotherapy to individuals who have experienced exploitation and trafficking in San Diego County. Kathleen spoke about the importance of easy access of information to the public. Project Life’s recently produced comprehensive 11 minute video is just that. It is now available on the North County Lifeline Website and on their Facebook page. There is also a webinar available with valuable information on how to get involved in the fight against Human Trafficking (see below). We also discussed contacting prospective applicants for Soroptimist’s Live Your Dream Awards who are survivors of human trafficking for 2023 and the much-anticipated opening of One Safe Place in San Marcos, California in June. |