Committees are where the work gets done! All members are asked to sign up for at least one of our 4 main Programs of Service:

1) Live Your Dream, 2) Dream It Be It, 3) Human Trafficking/Ending Violence Against Women and 4) International Projects

AND then consider joining 2 or 3 Additional Committees

Don’t see your name listed? Email us at and we’ll add your name to the list!
NOTE: Committee Chairs should copy Club President on all Committee Communications

Club Programs

NOTE: Not the same as Program Meetings Committee! Scroll down page for other Committees!

IMPORTANT NOTE: You’ll need to click on appropriate tab below to see Committee List under that tab
To see the Additional Committees, SCROLL DOWN THE PAGE

Encourages participation and support of Soroptimist Programs wordwide, including but not limited to, the SI President’s Appeal.

Sherry Luz, Chair
Thoralinda Soyland
Jackie Huyck

Soroptimist’s Live Your Dream Awards program is a unique education award for women who provide the primary financial support for their families. This committee implements the LYD Program in conformance with SIA and Desert Coast Region guidelines.

Sherry Luz, Chair
Thoralinda Soyland
Runa Gunnars
Karen Del Bene
Lani Beltrano
Paul Hoffman

Dream It, Be It: Career Support for Girls gives girls the tools they need to achieve their education and career goals, empowering them to break cycles of poverty, violence, and abuse. This committee wil endeavor to establish a mentoring program in conformance with SIA and Desert Coast Region guidelines.

Assly Sayyar, Co-Chair
Ellen Clark, Co-Chair

Kaye Van Nevel
Aleta Dirdo

Includes preventing Human Trafficking  and Violence against Women (both locally and worldwide, through public awareness and other local and global support efforts and partnerships.

Kaye Van Nevel, Chair
Runa Gunnars
Jackie Huyck
Elizabeth Freed

NEED MEMBERS! Help with Annual HT Event in January, or help with bi-monthly Collaborative Meetings, or help with speaking to other groups about HT etc.
Email to have your name added

Thoralinda Soyland, Chair
Runa Gunnars
Elizabeth Freed
Eden Weinberger
Nelly Jarrous
April Frisby

*NOTE: “The Service Fund Committee shall be a part or subcommittee of the Programs Committee and prepare recommendations of how to utilize service funds raised by the Club. The Service Fund Committee shall also work with any other committees that may have identified women deserving of our Club awards and service funds.” Art. IX, Section 8 of Club Bylaws



(Dyana Preti is Director of Programs) – OFFICER PARTNER IS PRESIDENT

International Projects
Chair: Sherry Luz
See top, tab 1 for Committee Members

Live Your Dream Program
Chair: Sherry Luz
See top, tab 2 for Committee Members

Dream It Be It Program
Chair: Assly Sayyar
See top, tab 3 for Committee Members

Human Trafficking/Prevention of Violence Against Women
Chair: Kaye Van Nevel
See top, tab 4 for Committee Members

Service Fund Committee*
See top, tab 5 for Committee Members


(?_____ is Director of Public Awareness) – OFFICER PARTNER IS PRESIDENT
Jennifer Luz-Olson (as President)
Jackie Huyck
Lani Beltrano
Thoralinda Soyland (calendar)


  • Newsletter
    Jackie Huyck (Editor)
    Lani Beltrano (contributor)
    April Frisby (contributor)
  • Website and Online Calendar)
    Jackie Huyck (Webmaster)
    Thoralinda Soyland
  • Public Relations
    Press Releases:
    Jackie Huyck
    Lani Beltrano
    Social Media:
  • PR Events



(Karen Del Bene is Director of Membership) – OFFICER PARTNER IS SECRETARY
Karen Del Bene (as Director)
Assly Sayyar (as Club Secretary)
Lani Beltrano
Dyana Preti
Thoralinda Soyland
Paul Hoffman
Pat Origlieri

Membership Support:

  • Membership Applications
  • DSS Applications (Sponsors)
  • Attendance: Dyana Preti
  • Social Committee:
    Lani Beltrano, Chair
    Karen Del Bene
    Paul Hoffman
    Pat Origlieri
    Jennifer Luz Olson
    Dyana Preti
  • House Committee:
    Dyana Preti
  • Laws & Resolutions:
    Assly Sayyar, Chair
    Thoralinda Soyland
  • S.O.L.T.
  • Hospitality:
  • Storage Contacts:
    Paul Hoffman (1st)
    Assly Sayyar (2nd)
    Pat Origlieri (3rd)


(Catherine Manis is Director of Fundraising) – OFFICER PARTNER IS PRESIDENT
Catherine Manis (as Director)
Jennifer Luz-Olson (as Club President)
Karen Del Bene
Thoralinda Soyland
Karen Thompson
Jackie Huyck


  • Club Projects
    Karen Del Bene

    Thoralinda Soyland
    Karen Thompson
    Jackie Huyck
  • SCRIP Fundraiser (Gift Cards)
    Thoralinda Soyland, Coordinator
  • Personal Project Fundraisers


Officer partner is PRESIDENT and PRESIDENT ELECT (V.P.)
Please include President and V.P. on all Committee Communications

Attendance: Dyana Preti
Takes attendance and collects lunch/meeting money; transfers to Treasurer
Happiness Drawing: Allison Temples
Fines & Brags: Allison Temples
Budget Committee:
  Ellen Clark (Asst. Treasurer)
  Assly Sayyar (Treasurer)
House Committee:
Dyana Preti
Laws & Resolutions:
Assly Sayyar (Chair)
Thoralinda Soyland
Judy Gregorie

Club Programs:
Nelly Jarrous
(arranges guest speakers for monthly Program Meetings)
Paul Hoffman
Assly Sayyar
Nominating Committee: Chair chosen by President
2 members from club elected each February
Installation Committee: 5 members are appointed each February; one must be a former President of the club

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