*30 Miles in 30 Days Fitness Challenge Fundraiser:

WHEN: The challenge begins January 1, 2024 and ends on January 30, 2024

WHERE: Anywhere you can walk/run/bike safely!

WHAT: You sign up online, pledge $1 per mile walked (or whatever you can afford) and walk/run/bike a total of 30 miles in January. Online options include donating without walking, signing up as an individual, joining an existing team, or forming your own team.

WHY: This is a fundraiser and all funds raised through pledges and donations will go to our Service Fund to support our mission of helping women and girls get the education and training they need to succeed.

HOW TO SIGN UP: Visit https://bit.ly/3Ppocfd or text the code “3030WALK” to 44-321.

Whether you choose to walk or run inside, outside, on a treadmill, on a bike…we only challenge you to cover 30 miles in 30 days in January. This challenge is excellent motivation for you to get in shape while raising money for a good cause!

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